Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop - Wednesday, September 16

Good morning all! Hope this finds all well and safe!
Saturday, September 19, is National Jelly Roll Day!
All Jelly Rolls/Strip Sets and other precuts - squares, & fat quarters are 20% off today through Tuesday, September 22!
Call for your shopping appointment today!
Our friends at Worldwide Sport Supply in Vestal have decided to sponsor:
Community Tee Project v2.0

You can support Patchwork Angels and many other small businesses by buying T-Shirts or a hoodie from them through these links!

Here’s the link to the store:
Link to PAQS hoodie:
Link to PAQS Tee:
Link to PAQS long sleeve tee:
We will NOT have these products for sale at the shop. They are available only through Worldwide Sport Supply.
Don't forget that we are scheduling appointments for shopping. You can definitely drop by and request to shop by ringing the doorbell, but we ask for your patience if we have to ask you to wait a few minutes if there are already more than 2 people shopping at the time you stop!
We have really been enjoying our "appointment" shopping, as it gives us a bit more dedicated time with you, our customers. We are going to continue with "appointments" at least through September to see how everything goes with Covid as the schools start having classes.
Please know that you can call whenever you decide you would like to stop over during our business hours and chances are generally good that we can fit you in within a few minutes of your desired arrival time if not exactly when you want to come in. We are now scheduling 2 customers at a time, unless you specifically request private shopping, which we will happily honor. We can also handle up to 6 shoppers if they are all in the same group, travelling together or meeting at the shop. We can also schedule shopping for after hours, if that is needed.
Don't forget your mask!!
We have lots and lots of new fabrics for you to choose from!
Please read below in this newsletter for updated information regarding limited use of the classroom.
When you come for your appointment, please wear a mask and avoid carrying a large purse or bag if at all possible. We will provide a bag to place your "essentials" in, if needed. (Great chance to make yourself one of those cute little shoulder bags for yourself that carry just a few items!) We will allow you to bring your Patchwork Angels Shopping bag in with you so you can pick up your free fat quarter and take your purchases home!!
Please call the shop at (607) 748-0682 between 11 am and 3 pm to schedule a half hour or one hour appointment. We are now booking up to 2 different shoppers at the same time. If you want to ensure shopping by yourself, just make sure to tell us that and we will block the appointment for you alone! Your comfort is important to us!
You may request an appointment as far in advance as you would like. We will not always be able to provide same day appointments. Every day has been different.
We will make appointments between 11 am and 4:30 pm each day; however, if we have no appointments scheduled after 3 pm on any given day, we will close at that time and be available the next business day!
CURBSIDE PICKUP IS ALSO BE AVAILABLE FROM 11 AM TO 4 PM Monday through Friday and 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday.
Additional appointment shopping hours can be arranged upon request. Those requests can be made via phone or at our new e-mail address: You can request an appointment within the normal hours via e-mail as well, but depending on when the e-mail is read, we cannot guarantee the time slot you request will be available.
We are now booking time in the classroom for sewing and / or use of the design wall for up to 4 quilters at a time. We will not mix "groups," so whoever books the room will be responsible for identifying who else, if anyone, will be using the room at the same time. Contact the shop for details on how to book and rules while in the classroom.
Starting July 1, our instructors, (Candy Beardsley, Estie Mowry, and Carol Bunnell) resumed Open Sew classes on a limited basis. All sessions are limited to 4 students plus the instructor. If you are a class member and have not been contacted, please contact your instructor for details on how your class is being held and when.
We are not adding any new students to classes at this time.
If you have a group of 2, 3, or 4 people who would like to get together in air conditioned comfort, with the advantage of a quilt shop close by, give us a call and ask for info about scheduling use of the classroom when we do not have a class scheduled. We have hosted a few groups so far and it has been a good experience.
Our shopping hours are 11 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday, and 10 am to 4 pm on Saturday. Additional morning or evening hours will be scheduled upon request. For an additional hours, Rose will discuss with you to make arrangements.
Guidelines and Rules
1. If you are not feeling well, we love you, but please stay home and just let us know and we will reschedule your shopping time.
2. Make sure you have a mask, it is required to enter the shop. If you need one or forget yours, we will have a limited supply available for a $5 donation to the Food Bank.
3. The door will be locked when you come, but the doorbell works if no one meets you immediately upon your arrival at your scheduled time. Please call if you know you will be late or cannot come at the time that you signed up for in case someone else is waiting for a time slot. (and so we don't worry about you) Please keep to only one person on the porch at a time. Social Distance is important to all of us. Keep 6 feet of distance -- 2 yards of fabric, if that is easier!!!
Have patience while we figure this all out, but we can offer to send you pictures of fabrics, perhaps even have a zoom call with you to show you options, and generally be as helpful as possible.
New Email ID:
None of our staff are or have been ill.
I have not heard of any of our quilting community who have contracted the virus but all of us either know someone who has a family member or friends that have contracted the virus and our thoughts and prayers are with them!
We are all in this together! Hope everyone continues to stay safe and well!
IF you are a facebook user and are not yet part of our Patchwork Angels Classes & Camps group, feel free to request to join, and we will add you to this group of local dedicated quilters and friends. We share info and ideas, and just generally keep in touch on a daily basis.
If you find any tools or patterns that you fall in love with on line that you would like me to order for you, please send an e-mail to and I will do my best to have those desired items for you ASAP.
If you need to reach us to talk, call or text Rose at (607) 727-4494 or send an e-mail to Rose's gmail id: and we will work out what we can to help.
An e-mail will be sent out as things are adjusted.
If you have questions or concerns, reach out to us via phone or email. We'll try to monitor as often as we can and get back to you asap!
Don't forget that we also post our Open/Closed status and all sale information on Facebook!
Have a safe and healthyl week everyone!
Thanks for your continued support: Rose, Candy, Carol, Eva, Laurie & Marie
Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop
307 West Main Street
Endicott, NY 13760
Phone: (607) 748-0682
In Store Appointment Shopping
Monday - Friday: 11 am to 5 pm
Saturday 10 am to 4 pm
Evening hours as requested / negotiated on a one on one basis.
Curbside Pickup and Phone Orders:
Monday - Friday: 11 am to 4 pm and Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm.
Evening and Weekend pickup hours available as required upon request.