Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop - May 14: Open for Curbside Pickup --- Call or e-mail to place orders
And a new chapter begins!!
We are all in this together! Hope everyone continues to stay safe and well!
I (Rose) will be in the shop on Friday from 11 am to 3 pm to take your phone orders, discuss your fabric needs and help in any way I can (except letting you inside the store to shop).
Saturday hours may be added depending on requests received via phone or at our new e-mail address:
Have patience while we figure this all out, but I can offer to send you pictures of fabrics, perhaps even have a zoom call with you to show you options, and generally be as helpful as possible. Others (Carol, Marie, Eva, and/or Laurie will join me as required).
I will be at the shop Monday through Friday from 11 am to 3 pm. Pickup will be done at the back door (by classroom as much as possible, but we can use the front door as well..... we can discuss via e-mail or on the phone when you call to order. If additional hours in the evening or Saturday are required for those of you working during the day, we will make arrangements to accommodate your needs.
New Email ID:
A lot of folks have asked when we might be open for in person shopping. Our best guess right now is June 1, but things change daily, so it could be either earlier or later, depending on how everything goes. For your planning purposes, when we open, we will start with appointment shopping at half hour intervals. Information will be published as soon as we have anything to tell you!
None of our staff are or have been ill.
I have not heard of any of our quilting community who have contracted the virus but all of us either know someone who has a family member or friends that have contracted the virus and our thoughts and prayers are with them!
IF you are a facebook user and are not yet part of our Patchwork Angels Classes & Camps group, feel free to request to join, and we will add you to this group of local dedicated quilters and friends. We share info and ideas, and just generally keep in touch on a daily basis.
If you find any tools or patterns that you fall in love with on line that you would like me to order for you, please send an e-mail to and I will do my best to have those desired items for you ASAP.
If you need to reach us to talk, call or text Rose at (607) 727-4494 or send an e-mail to Rose's gmail id: and we will work out what we can to help.
An e-mail will be sent out as things are adjusted.
If you have questions or concerns, reach out to us via phone or email. We'll try to monitor as often as we can and get back to you asap!
Don't forget that we also post our Open/Closed status and all sale information on Facebook!
Have a safe and healthyl week everyone!
Thanks for your continued support: Rose, Candy, Carol, Eva, Laurie & Marie
Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop
307 West Main Street
Endicott, NY 13760
Phone: (607) 748-0682
Curbside Pickup and Phone Orders: Monday - Friday: 11 am to 3 pm
Evening and Weekend hours available as required upon request.