Angel Yard Sale - Friday and Saturday, October 7 and 8

We have a special Saturday and Sunday Bonus Sale for you!
Today, Friday, October 7, 2016, and tomorrow, Saturday, October 8, 2016, all Angel Yards are on special for $5.00 each.
This week's special is still in effect through Saturday end of day. We have 25% off on Halloween Print Fabrics, both full price and sale fabric. This special runs through Saturday, October 8, 2016. All Halloween printed fabrics are 25% off while they last! We have a good selection now but they will be gone soon! It's not too late to make treat bags for the grandchildren or pillowcases, even a wall hanging or too! Halloween themed patterns, books, and fat quarters are included in the sale! Enjoy!
Have a beautiful Fall Weekend! Rose & all the gals at Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop