Sales Update: Monday, December 14

We had a lot of fun the past two weeks doing the 12 Days of Christmas Specials. This week, we will get them all packaged up and shortly each participant will receive an e-mail confirming your orders. If you ordered something and do not receive an e-mail by Friday, please give us a call or send an email and we will get it all sorted out.
Now, on to the fun! Updated Specials for this week follow:
Christmas Prints: 30% off Monday, December 14 through Saturday, December 19
Precut Strips (2-1/2"), Charms (5" Squares), Layer Cakes (10" Squares) and Fat Quarters all 25% off Monday, December 14 through Saturday, December 19
Happy Holidays from all of us at Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop!